
Anthotype image from “Fugitive Memory for Tu’i Malila”

Hennessy, K. and Smith, T. (2023)
Fugitive Memory: For Tu’i Malila. In, Gentle Dismantlings, a collaborative special issue of Branch Magazine and Ding Magazine. Winter, 2023. Edited by Kit Braybrooke, Julia Kloiber, and Michelle Thorne [link to article]
Hennessy, K., Smith, T., DiPaola, S., Nejad, A. (2023)
Sensing the Cloud: Research-Creation as Sensory Anthropology. In, Routledge International Handbook of Sensory Anthropology. Phillip Vannini, Ed. London: Routledge. Pp. 248-262. [link]
Ethnographic Terminalia Collective (Smith, T., Hennessy, K.,McDonald, F. P., Takaragawa, S., Campbell, C.)
Function and Form: the Ethnographic Terminalia Collective Between Art and Anthropology. In Collaborative Anthropology Today. George Marcus and Dominic Boyer, eds. Cornell University Press. (pages forthcoming).
Smith, T., and Hennessy, K. 2020
Anarchival Materiality in Film Archives: Toward an Anthropology of the Multimodal. Visual Anthropology Review [pdf]
Robinson, J. C. 2020
Fugitives in the Archive (exhibition review essay).Visual Anthropology Review 36(1):170-177. [pdf]
Castañeda, N., Skvirsky, K., Smith, T.
Introduction. Archival Encounters. Castañeda, Skvirsky and Smith, eds. Archives and Photography. Mapping Meaning Journal Issue 3. https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62977044/mapping-meaning-the-journal-issue-no-3/12
Ethnographic Terminalia Collective (Takaragawa, S., Smith, T., McDonald, F.P., Hennessy, K., Campbell, C.)
Anecdote-ing as a Curatorial Tactic for the Ethnographic Terminalia Collective. In, The Anthropologist as Curator. Roger Sansi, Ed. Bloomsbury Press.
Smith, T., Hennessy, K., Neumann, O.
Anarchival Materiality: The Bauhaus Building in Dessau. In, Bauhaus Futures. Laura Forlano, Molly Wright Steenson, Mike Ananny, Eds. MIT Press. Pp. 185-193. You can read the abstract here.
Takaragawa, S. , Smith, T. L., Hennessy, K. , Alvarez Astacio, P. , Chio, J. , Nye, C. and Shankar, S. (2019), Bad Habitus: Anthropology in the Age of the Multimodal. American Anthropologist, 121: 517-524. doi:10.1111/aman.13265
Hennessy, K. and Smith, T.
Fugitives: Anarchival Materiality in Archives.
PUBLIC 57: Archive/Counter-Archive. Edited by May Chew, Susan Lord and Janine Marchessault (pp. 128-44).
Smith, TL. The Breath Camera: A prototype for Anti-capitalist photography. In Mapping Meaning The Journal. Issue 1. http://www.mappingmeaning.org/mapping-meaning-the-journal-issue-1
Smith, T., and Hennessy, K. (2018).
Fugitives: Anarchival Materiality in the Archive [Photo Essay].
Geist (Spring, 2018). Pp. 48-54.
Smith, T. and Hennessy, K. (2018).
Fugitives. Whats in Sight (Summer 2018). Published by the Royal British Columbia Museum. Pp. 28.
Hennessy, K., Smith, T., and Hogue, T. (2018).
ARCTICNOISE and Broadcasting Futures: Geronimo Inutiq Remixes the Igloolik Isuma Archive.
Cultural Anthropology 33.2(2018):213-223 (Special Issue on Indigenous Media Futures) (link) (pdf).
Smith, TL and Rowe, JK. Pipelines as Sun Tunnels. Visualizing Alternatives to Carboniferous Capitalism. Consequence Theorizing 21c:21C051. Ctheory.
Nye, C., Fortun, M., and Smith, TL. Manual: Collaborating in Under an Hour (in 10 Easy Steps!). Theorizing the Contemporary series on Collaborative Analytics. Cultural Anthropology.
James Rowe, Kara Shaw, Natalie Ban, Jeremy Caradonna, Deborah Curran, Trevor Lantz, Ana Maria Peredo, Mike Simpson, Trudi Lynn Smith. First Nations show leadership in pipeline debates.
TL Smith, K Engle Finding Aid/Fragments of Desire. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies (ARCHIVES) 7 (1), 42-51 Special issue, “North By West” http://imaginations.csj.ualberta.ca/?p=8750.
Ethnographic Terminalia Collective (2016)
The Photo-Essay is Dead, Long Live the Photo-Essay! (open-access publication, digital version)
Ethnographic Terminalia Collective and grunt gallery (2015)
Terminus: Archives, Ephemera, and Electronic Art. Vancouver: grunt gallery. [e-publication and companion website]
Campbell, C., Hennessy, K., McDonald, F., Miller, T. Smith, T., Takaragawa, S. After the Bureau of Memories: Reflections on curating at the Intersections of Archives, Art and Anthropology. In Mnemoscape Journal Vol 2. (March 2015)
Smith, TL. Anthropology of Historical Photography in a Protected Area: Life and death in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. Anthropologica (The Journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society CASCA) (56) 117-153.
Campbell, C., Hennessy, K., McDonald, F., Smith, T., Takaragawa, S. (2013)
Thinking Through Collaboration: The Ethnographic Terminalia Curatorial Collective.
Anthropology News, Fall 2013.
Maria Brodine, Craig Campbell, Kate Hennessy, Fiona McDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith and Stephanie Takaragawa, Introduction to Ethnographic Terminalia. In Visual Anthropology Review. Vol 2 No. 1 (Spring 2011).
Kate Hennessy, Fiona McDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith and Stephanie Takagarawa, Ethnographic Terminalia 2010 New Orleans: 25 Works. In Visual Anthropology Review. Vol 27 No. 1 (Spring 2011).
Smith, TL. Elinor Whidden: Staging the ironic sublime. Catalogue essay. Stride Gallery, Calgary, AB.
Smith, T. Visual Narratives in Waterton Lakes National Park 1874-2010. (PhD Dissertation)
Smith, T. Photography After Conceptual Art. Book Review In Visual Studies 26:3.
Smith, T. Sensible History: Lynda Gammon’s Interval. Salvaged 20 & 21. Stride Gallery, Calgary AB.
Smith, T. Repeat Photography as Method in Visual Anthropology. In Visual Anthropology. Vol 20(2):179-200.
Smith, T. Bewildering National Parks: Photography, Representation and Performance. In Cultural Reflections. Volume 8:13-29.