Trudi Lynn Smith at Chicago Field Museum archives. Photo by Kate Hennessy


Geist Magazine July 2018. Kate Hennessy and I were invited to create a photo-essay of our work with anarchival materiality  for the spring 2018 edition of Geist Magazine. Fugitives explores the shape and smell of…

Kate Hennessy and Trudi Lynn Smith video showing anarchival materiality in archives

Anarchival materiality

Anarchival materiality within archives is an ongoing research-creation project that documents the generative force of entropy in archives. The force of molecular transformation, violence, displacement, and other human and non-human agencies render archival materials as fugitives, both eluding and driving preservation.

Swimming in Lake Linnet, Waterton Lakes National Park 2013

Linnet Lake

Watch the video footage here   The impermanent return: Photography, protected areas and the matter of Linnet Lake. This is a film still from Lake Linnet, in Waterton Lakes National Park. The film still shows…

Swimming in Lake Linnet, Waterton Lakes National Park 2013

Linnet Lake

A line in process by Jenaya Webb, an open water swimmer, anthropologist, and librarian, who I work with in parks and protected areas. This is experimental feminist praxis, fieldwork that prioritizes lake swimming as a way to explore the ‘thick description’ of embodied gestures, lines, abstraction in film and photography, the social life of rumours, and ‘swimmer’s itch’.